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Inhalación Profunda  - cover - Dec 2021.png

* Finalist, LGBTQ+ Nonfiction,
Lambda Literary Awards 2022 *

"Zmith tiene una capacidad casi detectivesca para seguir los rastros menos evidentes
que deja esta sustancia en la historia"

El País

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Cadena Ser

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So Mayer
author of A Nazi
Word For A Nazi Thing

Zmith says RELAX!, linking the beautiful apertures of sphincters and wormholes into a cosmic as well as anti-capitalist, queer vision of possibility

Huw Lemmey
author of Unknown Language, Red Tory: My Corbyn Chemsex Hell, and Chubz: The Demonization of my Working Arse

A fascinating, joyful social and personal history of an underrated drug. Zmith manages to capture not just the intriguing story of poppers and their role in queer life, but also something of their ineffable chemical pleasure

Juno roche
author of Queer Sex and Trans Power: Own Your Gender

I feel nostalgic, which a litany of past headaches tells me is effing misplaced.


Highly recommended read

Mark simpson
author of Saint Morrissey, It's a Queer World, Sex Terror, and Male Impersonators

This magical ‘room deodoriser’ truly helps open portals to new, if not always fragrant, dimensions.


Knowledgeable and naughty, Deep Sniff is a giddy, unashamed rush

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